Coronavirus and City Hope Church Updates
The Reality of Coronavirus
You don’t have to look far to see that the topic of the hour is the Coronavirus and it’s effects on not only on personal health but our everyday lives. With the postponement of all major sports, concerts, universities, and other institutions, we recognize that it is a real threat and wanted to address how this outbreak impacts our church and how we responding practically, and how this outbreak impacts our faith and our commitment to loving our city.
Our Practical Response
Practically, the big question is are we having church? The answer is yes. We believe the church is supposed to be a healing place for hurting people and a hopeful place for those that have lost hope. These are the times where we need God and his people the most. So with no reported cases in our area, we feel like it is still safe and important to meet this Sunday and worship together. With that said there will be a few changes.
We have a culture of handhakes, fist bumps, high fives and hugs. For the time being we are going to smile, give head nods and thumbs up to limit contact. (we still love you though:)
Greeters will open and close entrances for you to limit any contact.
Hand sanitizer is available throughout building in accessible locations. Plenty of soap is also available in bathrooms.
We will not be passing giving buckets, instead we ask everyone to either give online or give in receptacles at the exit of the room.
Kids ministry will be sanitized between each service.
Worship guides will be on seats as you enter so no hand to hand contact has to take place.
Our Faith Response
It is easy in moments like these to get fearful and overwhelmed. It is easy to worry and stress, not just about personal and family health, but about schedules, finances, and for some (like Pastor Seth), baseball season. I just want to remind you that as followers of Jesus, we always choose faith over fear. Faith does not eliminate fear, but faith stands in the face of fear with a confidence that God is our shield and protector and that he has us all through all of this.
If you do find your self with fear and worry, let God’s word bring faith and confidence to your heart.
Psalm 91:5-7: You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
Luke 12:25-26: Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
2 Timothy 1:7: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Also from a faith perspective lets make sure we are loving each other well and showing kindness. It is clear that there are already many different perspectives on the outbreak and its severity and the worldwide reactions. Regardless of your personal opinion, lets show love and grace to others who may not feel the same way we do and love them even if they have a different perspective on the situation.
Our Commitment to love our city.
City hope church as always, has been an outreach church with a mission that is here to bring hope to this city one heart at a time. With that said we know that this virus is most harmful to the elderly and those with existing heath conditions and lower immune systems. If you know of anyone that fits this criteria, we would love to serve them any way we can. Please reach out at 618-533-3349.
We will continue to monitor the situation and if you are sick or can’t make it, please join us online on facebook live. You can find us on Facebook at