know god. find freedom. discover purpose. mAke a difference.
Four things at City Hope that we want all people to have for their lives. To know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and to make a difference.
We believe that these things are in store and apart of the journey for followers of Christ.
Knowing God is to have a relationship with him. Often Time we grow our relationship through the study of his word, attending church, worshiping, praying and talking to him. He wants to know you and for you to know him!
The next step for a follower of Christ is Finding Freedom. Jesus wants to heal and free you from what you need. Freedom from sin as well as living a life to freely follow God is ahead!
God has a plan and purpose for your life. Following God is figuring out his plan and living accordingly! His plans are good and perfect, and gives us a purpose for our life. He has gifted us for our use in furthering the kingdom!
Once we discover the purpose God has set on our lives, we can live it out and make a difference in this world. As well as impact the people around us by showing the love of Christ! Living out our lives in Christ will make a difference in the world today!
Congratulations on taking the next step in your journey!
We are here to walk with you!
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